The world needs missionaries—those who are sent by the Church to another place to do Great Commission work. Thousands of unreached people groups will not hear the gospel unless more workers go into the harvest.
But God does not call every believer to move overseas. For various reasons, the Lord will have many stay where they are and faithfully serve from home. Even still, believers who stay have important roles to play in global missions. Here are a few ways believers can participate in missions without becoming missionaries.
Pray for the Unreached
As Jesus went from town to town, He saw scores of people who needed to hear the good news and receive healing. His heart swelled seeing how much work there was to do. So He told His disciples, “‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field (Matthew 9:37-38).’”
Prayer is needed for missions. Prayer is a reminder to rely on God’s power and partner with Him in His will. One of the best ways believers can help fuel the mission is to pray for God to send laborers to the unreached and for Him to soften hearts to the gospel. As A. B. Simpson once said, “Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.”
Give to the Work
In the early years of the Church, Paul and the other apostles relied on gifts from the first believers to spread the gospel. Paul wrote a heartfelt thanks to the Philippians for being the only church to support him at one point (Philippians 4:15-19). In his second letter to the Corinthians, he described how the Macedonian churches had such generosity that they gave beyond their ability and even “urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people (2 Corinthians 8:4).”
Financially supporting missionaries and mission organizations is one way believers can ensure the work continues. Every gift, no matter how big or small, can make a difference in the life of someone who has never heard the gospel.
Work at a Sending Church or Organization
Missionaries on the front lines shouldn’t be alone in their work. They are most often supported by a church or organization that sent them to the mission field. Believers can find an array of jobs in missions, including human resources, marketing, pastoral care, security, and information technology. These roles are essential to help missionaries do their work with as much ease as possible. God can use your skills and education for His Kingdom purposes.
Go on a Short-Term Mission Trip
Short-term mission trips allow believers to share the gospel in a different country without having to move to a different country. Mission trips are typically designed to last about a week, and they should support the missionaries and local believers on the field by reaching more people with the gospel. Those who have the time and ability to travel may consider going on a mission trip through their church or a mission organization.
Share the Gospel at Home
Did you know that about 180 unreached people groups live in North America? Many of these people groups migrated from unreached communities elsewhere in the world. Some live in remote parts of the continent, isolated from those who know Jesus.
You may live in a town or city with pockets of immigrants living in small communities. These people likely live within walking or driving distance of a church, but they might never go inside unless they’re invited. You have the opportunity to reach out to your neighbors—who have never heard the truth about Jesus in their home country—and share the gospel. If they are open, you can invite them to visit your church on a Sunday. Even though your neighbors live in North America, you never know if you might be the first person to tell them about Jesus.
Disciple Others
As you share the gospel at home and disciple new believers, you can share the global need to take the gospel to all people. Even if God doesn’t call you to move overseas, He may be calling someone you’re discipling. Many churchgoers don’t know about the Great Commission. You could be the person who opens someone’s eyes to the fact that more than 3 billion people worldwide are unreached with the gospel. Teach your disciples how to walk faithfully with Christ, then help them discern where God is calling them to make more disciples.
Wherever God has called you to serve in this season, you can still play an important role in the Great Commission. Just because you don’t move overseas doesn’t mean you have a lesser part to play. It will take the entire Body of Christ to spread the gospel to the ends of the Earth.