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Releasing God’s Supernatural Power Today


“What a Miracle” by Elevation Worship

Scripture Foundation

“‘Aeneas,’ Peter said to him, ‘Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and roll up your mat.’ Immediately Aeneas got up. All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.” -Acts 9:34-35, NIV

The Goodness of God

There’s just something so wonderful about the goodness of God. It confounds the imagination and undoes us in His presence. He is true to His Word, His promises, and His character. This passage of Scripture is such a beautiful confirmation of the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:7-8: “‘As you go, proclaim this message: “The kingdom of heaven has come near.”‘”

Kingdom Power in Action

So here was Peter, being led by Jesus in the power of the Spirit that resided in him. Two people in this story received a touch from the Lord—one who was paralyzed and one who was dead. Neither one of them could run to Peter. Neither one of them could exert any physical evidence of faith. Instead, Jesus came to them.

Following Jesus’ Model

Peter couldn’t do ministry in Peter’s self-effort. He had to remember what had been modeled for him by Jesus. Then, Peter applied it with the fullness of faith the Lord had given him, in the power of the Spirit.

Modern Application

On a recent trip to Latin America, I sat with a family who intently listened to the gospel. All nine pulled up a chair, and their eyes never shifted from me. They were locked in on every word I was sharing—all but one woman…

The Kingdom Expands

Both of these glorious miracle stories compelled people to trust in Christ. The Church was continuing to grow, entire regions of people were coming to faith, and the Kingdom of God was expanding. There is nothing stagnant about the Kingdom of God; only stagnant believers who do nothing to release His Kingdom!

Kingdom Character

“Finally, this story shows us a great deal about the goodness of God and the character of God’s kingdom. Peter does not go about Israel spreading death and decay, or preaching platitudes and changing nothing. Instead, the apostles of Christ bring life and renewal.” -R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

The Challenge

I want to close with a heartfelt challenge to you this morning. Will you be one who goes all in to follow in the footsteps of Jesus? Will you follow the example of how He modeled ministry to people and ask the Lord to let your laid-down life release the Kingdom of God on the Earth?

Final Encouragement

It’s OK to lose it all for the sake of Jesus because, if you have Him, you have gained everything! As my parents have said to me for 39 years, “There’s no greater adventure than following Jesus with your whole life!”

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