“Saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!”” -Revelation 5:12, ESV
“But Moses said to the Lord, ‘Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.’ Then the Lord said to him, ‘Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.’ But he said, ‘Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.’ Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses…” -Exodus 4:10-14a, ESV
A Sobering Reflection
Warning: This was not an easy devotional to write, nor is it an easy devotional to read.
These reflections were inspired by these lyrics from Jesus Culture:
“A yes to God is dangerous / But You’re worth it / I’m all in / You’re calling, calling / Here I am, I’m all in, all in / Take everything, You’re worth it, worth it / Wherever You lead me, I will follow”
Is He Worth it?
Is He worth it? This question becomes increasingly meaningful as we grow in our walk with Christ. While we rejoiced in His gift of salvation at first, following Christ calls us to deeper surrender. As the Lord works in our lives, we face this challenging question: Is He worth it? One area of surrender at a time.
When Scripture calls us to deeper commitment, do we count Christ as worthy? When we consider all that God has entrusted to us, do these blessings hold greater worth than Him? These are questions we must prayerfully consider as we examine our lives before the Lord. Do we treasure anything above Him?
“Jesus is in every way a Bridegroom. That is why He is not satisfied with mere slavish obedience. He desires our heart, our total dedication. As our Bridegroom He asks, ‘How much am I worth to you? How much are you ready to sacrifice for Me? For love of Me can you give Me your loved ones—children, parents, friends? Can you give me your home and country if I ask for these? Are you willing to comfort me in this way? Will you go anywhere I call you in order to save souls? Can you sacrifice your prestige, your strength, your longing to be loved, your deepest secret wishes—for love of Me?'” -Basilea Schlink, “My All for Him”
Let’s consider some practical implications:
Is Christ worth our vacation time to serve where He leads? He gave His life that all might hear the gospel. Could we offer Him our time off? What if He asks for all of it?
Is He worth our resources? He has provided for our needs and blessed many with abundance to advance His kingdom. Do we steward these gifts for His purposes?
If our children sense God’s call to missions, is He worth it? They may not pursue lucrative careers, but they will serve Him among the nations. Will we support their calling?
If He leads us to increase our giving beyond a tithe to build His kingdom, is He worth it?
Is He worth simplifying our lives to focus on His calling?
Is He worth keeping our commitments to Him from when we first believed?
Is He worth spending time in His presence through prayer and His Word? Or do other activities seem more appealing?
If He leads us to adjust our lifestyle for kingdom purposes, is He worth that?
Is He worth pursuing holiness and righteousness?
The Call to Global Mission
Scripture teaches that the Church today has unprecedented resources for reaching the world with the gospel. We are called either to go or to send – there’s no third option regarding Christ’s commission. We have sufficient means to reach the world, yet often find countless reasons to focus elsewhere. It comes down to this heart question: Is He worth it? Or do temporal pleasures hold greater value? This should lead us to humble reflection and renewed dedication.
I was recently invited to serve in a challenging area of the Middle East. My husband, though concerned, affirmed this opportunity. Is personal safety more precious than obedience to Christ? These are weighty questions we must wrestle with, as our answers will either hinder or free us to serve faithfully.
One day we will join all heaven in declaring, “Worthy is the Lamb.” We will proclaim it with our whole being. Why wait for heaven to demonstrate His worth when we can honor Him now through faithful obedience? If we don’t treasure Christ supremely today, we risk investing our resources in temporal pursuits rather than eternal purposes.
A Prayer for Renewed Devotion
Lord, reorder our priorities. Guide us in stewarding our resources, time, pursuits, and relationships for Your kingdom. Keep us from living for ourselves. Examine our hearts and lead us in complete dedication to You. When You call us like You called Moses and we’re tempted to make excuses, grant us grace to respond in faith. Move Your people to faithful witness in this hour that the world may know Christ!
“Love is costly and requires more than mere kindness. Jesus was not just a first-century do-gooder whose ultimate aim was to spread good cheer and congeniality. Rather, he announced himself as the Way, Truth, and Life. He compelled his followers to live life in light of eternity, submitting to his kingdom’s righteous standards. He called for and required complete surrender to God’s will, and demonstrated true sacrifice when he ‘moved into the neighborhood’ to offer himself as the payment for humanity’s sins. We dare not dumb down the cost of loving God and loving our neighbor. It cost Christ his life. Shall it cost us any less?” -David Joannes, “Gospel Privilege”
Many still need to hear of Christ, and we are called to bring this message to them. Why? Because He is worthy. May we faithfully serve His purposes in the time He gives us. No more excuses. He is worth it!