Most people want to change the world.
As believers, we know the only true, lasting change is conducted by God as He saves people through Jesus Christ and sanctifies them through the Holy Spirit. And the amazing reality is that through the Great Commission, God invites us—despite all of our imperfections—to join Him in this work.
When we live in the calling He’s clearly given us, we get to change the world.
The ways we serve as these agents of change among people who are searching for Jesus can look differently for each person. Here are three ways we believe God can—and even wants—to use you to impact the globe.
Prayer: The First Step to Change the World
When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He modeled with a prayer that holds power to impact every edge of the globe.
‘””Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”‘” –Matthew 6:9-10
We’re told to pray that God’s name is revered, God’s Kingdom is established, and God’s desire is fulfilled here just like it is in Heaven—the only place where sin and brokenness ceases to exist. When we pray, we change the world because we’re praying the heart of God as He moves to restore His rightful reverence and reign to what He first created—a world where God and man dwelled in perfect harmony.
So, pray for the gospel to spread to the ends of the Earth. Pray that believers take the gospel to unreached people groups. And pray that the Lord would multiply disciples and churches around the globe.
You can also join East-West in praying for the nations.
Giving to Change the World
The first missionaries were sent out by the local church to spread the gospel. Consider the Church of Philippi’s relationship with the Apostle Paul who writes the following:
“Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account.” –Philippians 4:17
The Philippians supported—spiritually, physically, and financially— Paul’s journeys across the Roman empire for the glory of God. They housed him, encouraged him, and provided for him.
We can mimic what they modeled.
Though some of us may never cross the ocean to share the gospel, we most likely know someone who will or are familiar with organizations that serve overseas. Both the individual and organization need funding for ministry, and partnering with them financially is another way you can be a part of changing the world through Christ.
Learn more about ways you can steward your financial resources for God’s Kingdom.
There is Not One Way to Change the World
Today, there are 3 billion people unreached with the good news of Jesus in the world.
During His time on Earth, Jesus outlined both the problem—a scarcity of workers—and the solution—sending disciples—to address this spiritually dark reality (Matthew 9:37, Matthew 28:19). **Have you considered whether you could be the worker who goes to make disciples? **
By stepping into cross-cultural gospel ministry among those with no access to a believer, Bible, or church, you can be the vessel God uses to spread His glory in a new frontier.
“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'” –Mark 16:15
Going to take the gospel to the nations can be a short-term, mid-term, or long-term commitment. Learn about the different ways you can go with East-West.
Changing the world can come in many different forms. Praying, giving, or going are all ways you can make a difference for the Kingdom of Heaven.
What will you do to change the world?