About East-West
About The Work
The Church is faced with a global problem: more than 3 billion people are unreached with the gospel.
These unreached people have no access to a Bible, a church, or a local Christ follower. Without the light of the gospel, they will continue to live in perpetual spiritual darkness.
A global problem like this needs a God-sized solution.
When Jesus gave the command to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20), He didn’t give the order to just the original disciples. He meant for the whole Church to answer the call.
At East-West, we want to rally believers to use their individual giftings so that the global Church can move as a unified front to reach the unreached. Together, we can see people from every tribe, nation, and tongue come to know and follow Jesus. Together, we can unite as One Church seeking to reach All People.
By mobilizing the global Church to reach all people, East-West is seeking to accomplish these faith goals in 2025:
Share the gospel with 8.8 million people
Multiply 555,000 disciples
Train 131,000 new leaders
Plant 23,000 new churches
Send 1,225 new workers
Engage 70 new unreached people groups
Just as the body is made up of many parts, so is the global Church made up of many individuals, each with a unique role (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). We need your help to make this God-sized vision a reality.
What’s your role in the Great Commission?