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More than 3 billion people are unreached with the good news of Jesus Christ.

They have no access to a Bible, a believing neighbor, or a local church. With less than 2% of their communities professing faith in Jesus Christ, the unreached will continue their practices of idol worship, religious rituals, tribal warfare, meditation, and more.

Like us, they will experience similar hopes, fears, ups, and downs with one devastating difference: they have no access to the message of God’s redeeming grace through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They will remain in spiritual darkness forever unless the gospel is brought to them.

That’s why East-West exists.

We reach the unreached with the eternal hope that’s found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today, we’re in a three-year God-sized vision to multiply one million new disciples in the spiritually darkest areas of the world. 

Defining a Disciple

We believe that as new disciples grow in their walk and witness, a movement of God will break loose among the unreached. 

Short Term and Long Term Mission Trips - East West Ministries

Pursuing a God-sized Vision

From January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2020, we’re relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to do a new thing for the glory of God in the 10 major world regions we serve. With His help, we hope to see the following take place among the unreached.

Annual Report 2022 - East West Ministries

Engage 1,000 church partners in ministry to the unreached

Annual Report - East West Ministries

Reach 90 million people with the message of Jesus Christ

Annual Report 2022 - East West Ministries

Empower 300,000 local believers and church leaders to evangelize and plant churches

Annual Report 2022 - East West Ministries

Start 125,000 healthy, reproducing churches

We Need You

This vision of multiplying one million new disciples can only be accomplished through the global church working together. It will take our national partners, missionaries, and partners to reach the unreached.