Ramadan Resources

Ramadan is the most significant month in the Muslim calendar. As you seek to show your Muslim friends the love of Christ this Ramadan, learn more about what they believe and how to share the gospel with them. Read below to learn more about Ramadan and what Muslims believe. 

30 Prayers for Muslims: A Christian's Guide to Ramadan

Short Term and Long Term Mission Trips - East West Ministries

Pray for more than 2 billion Muslims worldwide who will observe the month of Ramadan. This guide explains what Ramadan is and how Christ followers can pray for the Muslim world.

Sign up to receive “30 Prayers for Muslims” in your inbox.

30 Prayers for Muslims: A Christian's Guide to Ramadan

Short Term and Long Term Mission Trips - East West Ministries

Pray for more than 2 billion Muslims worldwide who will observe the month of Ramadan. This guide explains what Ramadan is and how Christ followers can pray for the Muslim world. Sign up to receive the 30 Prayers for Muslims Guide in your inbox.

30 Prayers for Muslims: A Christian's Guide to Ramadan

Short Term and Long Term Mission Trips - East West Ministries

Pray for more than 2 billion Muslims worldwide who will observe the month of Ramadan. This guide explains what Ramadan is and how Christ followers can pray for the Muslim world. Sign up to receive the 30 Prayers for Muslims Guide in your inbox.

Story from the Field

In the Middle East, a short-term team from East-West witnessed the miraculous: God gathering His global Church in the most unlikely region. People from around the world are joining His great work to minister to those who have lost it all. Refugees are coming to know Christ, giving a glimpse of Revelation 7:9 unfolding in one part of the world.

A Story from the Field

In the Middle East, a short-term team from East-West witnessed the miraculous: God gathering His global Church in the most unlikely region. People from around the world are joining His great work to minister to those who have lost it all. Refugees are coming to know Christ, giving a glimpse of Revelation 7:9 unfolding in one part of the world.

What You Can Do

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