Business Accelerating Movements

Using business to start church planting movements

Through East-West’s Business Accelerating Movements (BAM) initiative, members of your church body who have an interest and background in the marketplace can use their expertise to create and launch legitimate businesses to share the gospel and multiply disciples and churches overseas. We are looking for people with business experience who want to use the skills they’ve honed to mobilize church planting movements.

This works in the nine regions we serve in a few different ways, including…

Help communities in poverty

Locally owned and operated businesses give community members opportunities to earn livable wages and end cycles of poverty.

Support national partners overseas

National Partners and their communities are supported by the income generated by kingdom-purposed businesses.

Access to countries & communities

Establishing legitimate businesses allows for long-term visas and gives missionaries opportunities to engage unreached people groups in closed access communities.

Funds for church planting movements

National Partners and their communities are supported by the income generated by kingdom-purposed businesses.

What are your church's missional strengths?

We want to celebrate your strengths and serve your areas of growth by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of your church’s missions culture.