South Asia

September 2024







South Asia

Team Type

Medical Teams


Ashton C.


Grace Church at Eden Prairie

Opening Gospel Doors with Medicine

There are people who have little-to-no access to medical care and have never heard the name of Jesus, but the few local believers are determined to reach every corner of their nation with the gospel, as they also care for hurting people’s physical needs like Jesus did.

In this area, due to gospel barriers such as persecution, there’s a growing need for creative ways to access people with the gospel. M-PACK trips employ proven medical teaching modules, from a like-minded organization called Teach-to-Transform, to equip national evangelists and church planters with basic medical skills.  We then give their house churches the necessary medical backpacks of equipment to send out these trained believers 2×2 to preach and heal.

M-PACK needs both medical and non-medical professionals. Besides travel to and from the training destination, you will spend 5-days working in an intensive, yet fun training environment, usually in-doors.  You will stand side-by-side these national evangelists, learn their stories, help them practice hands-on medical skills and overcome learning barriers, then at the end of the week, see them smile in accomplishment as they graduate to do this medical ministry.  Then, for a year, receive updates on how God uses your efforts to expand His kingdom one hurting person at a time.

If you would like more information regarding this trip, please email the Short-Term Mission Trip Team at [email protected].