Ministry Initiatives

Overcoming Barriers

East-West is committed to creatively and strategically engaging the unreached with the good news of Jesus Christ. The places we work are often hostile to Christian missionaries and put government and social restrictions in place to hinder the gospel from spreading. Our ministry initiatives work around these barriers to start church planting movements in these spiritually dark areas. Below are a few examples of our current initiatives.

Initiatives Women - East West Ministries

Women's Equipping

Women make up a significant majority of all believers, and their contribution is essential to God’s work in building the Church and reaching the lost. Our women’s training efforts impart ministry tools and biblical knowledge that equip women to grow the Church and ignite discipleship movements among the unreached.

Medical Outreach - East West Ministries

Medical Outreach

In remote villages in Africa and Asia, people have limited access to both the gospel and basic health care. East-West’s medical outreach ministry allows field workers to gain access to unreached regions through the gift of medicine. Your gift supports training local leaders in basic medical care. Once trained, these evangelists can go into unreached villages, display the love of Christ, share the gospel, and disciple new believers who begin gathering in churches. 

Digital Strategies - East West Ministries

Digital Strategies

Spiritual seekers in countries with severe religious persecution can go online, learn about Jesus, and get connected with a local believer. By supporting this project, our Digital Strategies team can start more spiritual conversations online so that those seeking to know God have the chance to do so offline under the discipleship of a local church.

Support an Initiative

If you would like to support an initiative led by one of our missionaries, they can provide you with their direct giving link or you can visit our main giving page, select Project Support, and designate your gift to the initiative in the special instructions box.

What We Do

East-West’s initiatives support our vision of multiplying followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest areas of the world. Through them, our field workers are able to enter new unreached communities to share the gospel, equip believers as people come to faith, and multiple healthy, reproducing churches.