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God's Global Story

A Mid-Year Report

The Church isn’t constrained by age, gender, or borders. It is a global, living, breathing body of believers across generations and cultures who share a unified call to make disciples of all nations.

And that’s what we hope you see in this mid-year report.

The story and stats here testify to the miraculous ways our God is connecting His disciples. He is using the prayers of children, the boldness of missionaries, and the openness of refugees to establish His Church around the world. And that’s just one story.

God is weaving an even grander story that culminates in His glory made manifest in every square inch of the globe. It’s our privilege to join Him in this life-giving work, and we praise Him that you are a part of this journey with us!

From Texas to Europe to Bangladesh and Beyond

Meet Stephanie* and Aaron*. They live in Europe where they tell people about Jesus and help them follow Him, just like the Apostle Paul did in the first century. 

This summer, Stephanie and Aaron sent videos to churches in Houston, Texas who were hosting Vacation Bible School. These videos showed the children what it is like to live and serve across the Atlantic Ocean.

During Vacation Bible School all the children prayed for Stephanie, Aaron, and their ministry.

Just a few days after the children prayed, Aaron visited a park in the city with his friends to try and meet people who needed to hear about Jesus. He felt nervous, but went anyway.

October Report 2019 - East West Ministries

At the park, he met refugees from all over the world. One was Mohammad*, a Muslim refugee from Bangladesh. Their conversation went well until other men caused a disruption.

Mohammad and Aaron quickly exchanged phone numbers so they could meet again later that week.

When they did, Aaron learned all about Mohammad’s life and the hard things he went through before arriving in his new country. Bad guys attacked and threatened him in Bangladesh. He even survived a car bombing!

October Report 2019 - East West Ministries

Mohammad and Aaron quickly exchanged phone numbers so they could meet again later that week.

When they did, Aaron learned all about Mohammad’s life and the hard things he went through before arriving in his new country. Bad guys attacked and threatened him in Bangladesh. He even survived a car bombing!

Aaron knew God made a way for Mohammad to escape the bad guys.

Aaron sat with Mohammad for a long time as he shared about his struggles.

Then, Aaron shared all about God’s great love for Mohammad that motivated Him to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die and rise for Mohammad’s sins, and the sins of people everywhere–even the bad guys who attacked him.

In that moment, a true miracle happened. Mohammad believed that God loved Him and put his faith in Jesus as his Savior and Lord!

He experienced great joy and peace in his new Christian faith!

Mohammad’s new belief in Jesus meant other bad guys would attack him, but he now had a new mission in life to tell them of God’s love.

Even though it is dangerous, God is giving Mohammad courage to tell his Muslim family, friends, and even strangers about God’s love for them! He has already shared this good news with over 25 people!

God heard and answered the prayers of the children in Texas. God gave Aaron the courage in Europe to share the good news of Jesus to Mohammad who is now a Muslim background follower of Jesus from Bangladesh!

As you can see, God’s global story weaves together people from every place and every age for His glory.

*Names changed for security reasons.

October Report 2019 - East West Ministries
“They tell of the glory of your kingdom
and speak of your might, so that all people
may know of your mighty acts
and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and your dominion endures through all generations.”

-Psalm 145:11-13

A Midyear Ministry Review

This story is one of millions God is writing among the unreached.

Just like He used the prayers of children for missionaries overseas to reach a Muslim man for Christ, He is using the time, talents, and treasures you generously give to East-West for His glory.

God’s global story continues to unfold today, and we’re excited to share how He has moved in the spiritually darkest areas of the world in the last six months of ministry.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with East-West!

  • Church Partnerships: 504
  • Gospel Presentations: 12,257,957
  • Professions of Faith: 1,018,892
  • Leaders Trained: 130,554
  • New Churches Planted: 21,071 First Generation Churches: 8,296 Beyond First Generation Churches: 12,775
  • Disciples Made: 208,453
Statistics indicate reports from the field from January 1–June 30, 2019. Field statistics are collected quarterly by our missionaries, national partners and home office staff and are reviewed for accuracy by East-West leadership.

We love seeing God’s mission of reaching the unreached take root in people’s hearts around the world, even children. Our hope in sharing this report is for it be a resource that encourages adults and serves as a tool to motivate the next generation to join God’s global story. After all, He’s got the whole world in His hands.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14