About East-West
About The Work
Unwrap Hope Among The Unreached
Scripture sings out the joy of the Messiah’s arrival, from the praise of the shepherds to the reverence of the Magi.
And yet, not everyone will share in that joy this Christmas. Billions of people around the world do not know the reason for celebrating Christmas because they don’t know Christ.
You have the opportunity to bring joy and hope this Christmas. In this gift catalog, you will find ways to take the gospel to unreached people around the world through supporting East-West. Plus, you will receive a free handcrafted bread tray with any monthly gift of $25 or more!
Help us spread the joy of Christmas in the most unreached places this year.
Of the billions of dollars given toward Christian missions every year, it’s estimated that less than 1% goes toward efforts to reach unreached people groups. With more than 3 billion people worldwide still considered unreached, your gift is needed to take the gospel to every tribe, tongue, and nation.
Generous friends of East-West have created a matching fund that’s available through the end of the year. Every gift given through the gift catalog to the general ministry of East-West will be doubled dollar for dollar up to $750,000.
Your gift to our creative evangelism efforts helps take the message of Jesus Christ to unreached places. A monthly gift of $60 reaches 12,000 people a year.
Your gift to equip leaders will give national partners the tools they need to rapidly advance the gospel, multiply disciples, and plant new churches in their countries. A monthly gift of $40 equips 60 leaders a year.
You are helping start reproducible cycles of churches that make and multiply disciples, who in turn multiply more disciples and churches in the world’s spiritually darkest areas. A monthly gift of $88 plants 48 churches a year!
East-West’s medical outreach ministry allows field workers to gain access to unreached regions through the gift of medicine. Your gift supports training local leaders in basic medical care. A monthly gift of $50 trains 12 leaders a year.
With your help, spiritual seekers in countries with severe religious persecution can go online, learn about Jesus, and get connected with a local believer. A monthly gift of $30 reaches 9,000 people a year!
One of the biggest hurdles for missionaries is fundraising. Every gift given toward this match will be doubled dollar for dollar up to $100,000. We suggest a $50 gift.
Each Christmas outreach program includes games, food, and a gospel presentation at the end of the day. Your gift to these programs will help share the hope to the unreached in South Asia. A $450 gift funds one outreach program.
Your gift to our creative evangelism efforts helps take the message of Jesus Christ to unreached places in the hope of eternally transforming one person, one household, and one community at a time.
You are helping start reproducible cycles of churches that make and multiply disciples, who in turn multiply more disciples and churches in the world’s spiritually darkest areas.
God is powerfully at work around the world. Choosing to give where the gospel is most needed allows us to leverage your generosity as opportunities arise in the spiritually darkest areas.
Support training local leaders in basic medical care. Once trained, these evangelists can go into unreached villages, display the love of Christ, share the gospel, and disciple new believers who begin gathering in churches.
Our Digital Strategies team can start more spiritual conversations online so that those seeking to know God have the chance to do so offline under the discipleship of a local church.
Many missionaries are eagerly waiting to deploy to the mission field. One of the biggest hurdles keeping them from going is fundraising. Every gift given toward this match will be doubled dollar for dollar up to $100,000. Your gift to this matching fund will help send more workers into the harvest. We suggest a $50 gift.
Christmas outreach programs will bring fun, relief, and hope to the unreached in South Asia. Each full-day program includes games, food, and a gospel presentation at the end of the day. Your gift to these programs will help share the gospel in a welcoming environment. A $450 gift funds one outreach program.
Imani grew up in a loving home in East Africa. She had dreams of going to school and becoming a doctor, and her parents supported her ambitions. But her life came to a screeching halt when her parents unexpectedly passed away. Imani was only a teenager.
Devastated and orphaned, Imani went to live with her aunt and uncle in a rural town, hoping that she would still be able to attend school. But girls in rural parts of her home country are often prevented from pursuing an education, and Imani’s aunt, Syandene, kept her at home to work. Her aunt also secretly forced her to practice witchcraft and threatened to kill Imani if she told her uncle. This went on for months, and Imani thought there was no escaping this life she felt trapped in.
Do you know who the Holy Spirit is and His purpose and power in your life? Kurt Nelson, President and CEO of East-West, explains the divine role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, how to experience the Holy Spirit in everyday life, and his own personal practices in interacting with the Spirit. Get your copy of “Awakening to the Holy Spirit” to understand the Person, presence, power, and purpose of the Holy Spirit in your life.
If you make a monthly gift of $25 or more, we’ll send you a free palm wood bread tray from the islands of Southeast Asia. This curved, handcrafted tray is sustainably sourced from local artisans.
Bring some natural beauty into your dining space while telling those in unreached nations about the Bread of Life.
You can choose a tribute in your will to honor a family member or designate East-West as a beneficiary for part of your IRA to benefit the Kingdom of God this year.
Giving through a donor-advised fund (DAF) can help East-West’s mission of taking the gospel to the spiritually darkest places in the world. Contact our Financial Services Department for more information.
Your stock market earnings can help fulfill the Great Commission. If you’re interested in giving hope through stock, contact our Development Department.
Want to shop our gift catalog in print? Download and print your free copy of Unwrap Hope below.