Extreme Teams

About Extreme Teams

Our Extreme Teams blend our passion for the gospel with your love of the outdoors. Over a week’s time, you’ll work alongside national partners to scale mountains with the sole purpose of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to people living in the world’s most remote locations. 

The physical challenge, spiritual growth, team bonding, gospel impact, and adventure of an Extreme Team makes this a unique experience you will always remember.

Short Term and Long Term Mission Trips - East West Ministries

“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known … .” 
–Romans 15:20


What to Expect on Extreme Teams

Physical Challenges

The villages where we trek are unreached for a reason. Their locations are accessible only by foot, making it difficult and time-consuming to reach. Each day your strength and stamina will be tested as you hike some of the world’s most challenging mountain ranges with your food, clothing, and camping gear on your back.

Spiritual Growth

This trip isn’t just about hiking; it’s about taking the message of Christ to people who have never had the opportunity to hear and respond to it. Daily you’ll be reliant on the Holy Spirit and experience spiritual growth like never before as you travel from village to village to evangelize the lost. 

Team Bonding

Nothing unites believers quite like a short-term mission trip, especially when you’re reliant on each other for spiritual and physical encouragement. Mornings on the trail start with team devotionals, prayer, and briefings. Evenings are spent sharing stories from your day of ministry. 

Gospel Impact

You’ll witness God use you to seek and save the lost throughout the week, but the work doesn’t end when your team leaves. East-West’s network of national partners follow up with new believers, disciple them, and start churches in these previously unreached areas.


Daily you will be overwhelmed by the beauty of God’s creation and the opportunity to explore it with your team of Americans and national partners off of the typical tourist trail. The sights and sounds of the landscape and the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture is an adventure of a lifetime. 

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!'”
–Isaiah 52:7

Join Us

We hope you will join us on one of our upcoming Extreme Teams. You can follow the link below to find out more about upcoming teams. If you still want to know more information or you can’t find a team that works for your schedule, fill out the form below and someone will be in touch to answer your questions.

Explore the Different Team Types