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David wrote a great psalm related to God’s providence—how He allows the good, the bad, and the ugly to ultimately accomplish good and glory among His followers. In difficult circumstances, David’s confidence in God’s presence, love, and power to accomplish His purposes serves as a reminder for each member of His eternal family.

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” –Psalm 62:1-2

Just take a minute to think of all the illustrations David meditated on related to God’s purpose and plan for our lives in the midst of the battle against a very real enemy.

Keep in mind that even Jesus fought Satan in the wilderness and in the garden before the cross. The fight was beyond comprehension for our natural minds. Even though He sweated blood over bearing our sin, He knew to trust the Father’s love. Our sins placed on Christ sent Jesus to the grave, but the Father raised Him from the dead. Oh, the love of Christ Jesus has for you and me!

Please read Psalm 62 and meditate on the words describing our Lord’s protection, presence, and power that ultimately display our Lord’s love.

  • My salvation (Psalm 62:1)
  • My rock (Psalm 62:2)
  • My fortress (Psalm 62:2)
  • My hope (Psalm 62:5)
  • My honor (Psalm 62:7)
  • My refuge (Psalm 62:7)

With provision like God’s presence in any set of circumstances, these verses give us a glimpse of our Lord Jesus and the path to the cross that was for you and me. Jesus said, “‘Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me (John 18:11b)’”? To do that, our Lord had to look past the cup He asked the Father to take and on to the heart of the Father’s perfect love.

Many of our cups of life are painful, sorrowful, and hurtful, but David reminds us and our Lord demonstrates for us a switch in focus from our circumstances to the heart of the Father, who walks with us through the brokenness of life for our good and His glory.

“Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” –Psalm 62:8

This verse highlights the fight of the heart. It is the fight of faith as the Apostle Paul described, and to David it was childlike trust.

God has placed us where we are by His power and out of His perfect love’s motivation. When we are found in the fire, our lives are being purified to look more like Jesus. All that will last are our praises to God, our salvation.

Jesus has done His great part. Today may we trust Him alone as we do our small part.


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