“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6
That worship song has been on repeat this Christmas season. Can you imagine Mary as she held the Savior of the world in her arms? What made her worthy of such a privilege? Pure love. Mary did nothing to earn His coming to her. She did nothing to earn His embrace or His look of affection. He just came to her.
And as much as she would be dependent on Him for her own rescue and salvation, He equally loved her and longed for her. It’s the same for us. This beautiful dance of intimacy with Jesus invites you into the sacred and holy, and yet you do nothing to earn it. He just says that you are worthy and valued because of His love for you. I have been swept up in the profound rescue of Bethlehem this year. The beauty of that grace and pursuit and love is just taking me in over my head. Pure love. I need you to hear these words: He delights in you and hasn’t shifted His gaze from you. You have won His heart.
A Modern Day Testament
I just returned from South America with my Arise team. It was a trip full of corn tortillas, door-to-door evangelism, tents, and pure adventure for the sake of the gospel. Half way through our trip, Peggy, Alex, and I came upon this one young woman and her three young daughters. She had a little store front attached to her home where she sold eggs, little candies, and a few necessities. We sat on her porch, and she graciously listened to Peggy share the good news of Jesus. As we finished, she said, “Yes, I believe. I have followed Jesus for 10 years.”
I proceeded to ask her, “Who shared this message with you?” She replied, “No one. Jesus came to me in my dream. I was a prostitute and alcoholic and used to party through the night. Jesus came to me and asked me to give Him my life and follow Him. From that moment on, I followed Jesus.” I think we were the first ones in 10 years to bring the clear gospel message, but she didn’t need it because Jesus had already revealed it to her. What a wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace!
It is believed that more than 40% of the world’s population have yet to hear the name of Jesus. But our encounter with this woman makes me think that maybe things aren’t as we presume. We are co-missioning with Jesus to reach the world with the gospel, but He is just as busy showing up Himself to bring people the good news of great joy.
He is anxiously longing for His return just as we are! Jesus was anxious to rescue all of humanity from the wages of sin and death, so He came at Christmas. He’s anxious to receive for Himself a beautiful Bride who is eagerly waiting His arrival.
The Rich Meanings of His Names
I wanted to show you the meaning of some of the original words in Hebrew to the above Scripture in Isaiah. They are for you today in all the entirety of their meanings.
Wonderful (pele): a miracle; astonishing, a wonder, a marvel; something unusual or extraordinary, hard to understand thing
Counselor (ya’ats): to advise, to deliberate or resolve; confer, conspire, to consult together, exchange counsel, deliberate, decide, draw up, give advice, purpose, intend, plan, plot, prepare, propose, warn
Mighty (gibbowr): strong, mighty, strong man, brave man, mighty man
God (‘el): god, god-like one, mighty one, God, the one true God, Jehovah, mighty things in nature, strength, power
Everlasting (‘ad): perpetuity, forever, continuing future, ancient (of past time); for ever (of future time); of continuous existence; for ever (of God’s existence)
Father (‘ab): father of an individual; of God as father of his people; head or founder of a household, group, family, or clan; of people; of producer, generator; of benevolence and protection; ruler or chief
Prince (sar): prince, ruler, leader, chieftain, official, captain, vassal, noble, official (under king); general, commander (military); chief, head, overseer (of other official classes); heads, princes (of religious office); Ruler of rulers (of God)
Peace (shalowm): completeness, soundness, welfare, peace; completeness (in number); safety, soundness (in body); welfare, health, prosperity; peace, quiet, tranquility, contentment; peace, friendship; of human relationships; with God especially in covenant relationship; peace (from war)
God’s Personal Promise Today
He sees you. He knows you. He came to rescue you for the sake of your eternity. He comes to rescue you this Christmas for the sake of love. Defeat doesn’t define you. Shame doesn’t define you. Addiction doesn’t define you. Bondage doesn’t define you. Sin doesn’t define you. Pain doesn’t define you. Jesus defines you. And you belong to Him. That’s the grace of Christmas. Your astonishing, miraculous and extraordinary Counselor waits for your ear. A
ll of history was longing for the coming miracle-working Counselor to advise and resolve the problem of sin and death. Check that off the list. But for the issues of your heart today, He wants to consult together in order to prepare and purpose, to draw up in your heart the desires that are already in His for you. He will advise and give advice to you in this hour as you just rest before Him. Stop the fretting, straining, self-loathing, and walk of doubt. Just come as the worthy and loved and embraced and grace-covered daughter He says you are, and let Him counsel you, deep unto deep.
Your strong, mighty and brave God comes to you that day and this day. He’s coming with strength and power and He’s not backing down. Since before the foundations of the world, God had his rescue plan in mind. Your Ancient of Days will rule in your favor over the enemy and father you all the days of your life. He is your Father, your Protector, your Ruler, your Chief God of all goodness, your Jesus—your leader and the One who longs to captain your life if you will let Him take the drivers’ seat.
Your Prince comes longing to captivate you with His love and pour out His shalom peace. It’s a peace that brings you soundness of mind and safety. He’s the calm and the order in this season of great change. He comes bringing prosperity and provision, health, friendship and tranquility. Your Prince of Peace—who was born in humility, lived in humility and died a criminal’s death so you wouldn’t have to—comes declaring His shalom peace to you today. Will you just rest today and receive this precious Christmas gift, given for all of your days as a gift to you? That’s pure love, and it’s yours for the taking this Christmas and every day till He takes you home.
Jesus Will Come for You
Just like the story of the little South American woman who couldn’t find her way out of sin and addiction, Jesus came to her and didn’t condemn her. He came to save her. We all need this gift of grace called Jesus. Will you just tell one person the good news of Jesus this Christmas, and will you speak this gift to yourself? You have the most wondrous gift that came just for you. Go tell it on the mountains or down in the valley that Jesus, your King, comes for them, too.
“This is why I love Christmas. The event invites us to believe the wildest of promises: God became one of us so we could become one with Him. He did away with every barrier, fence, sin, bent, debt and grave. Anything that might keep us from Him was demolished. He only awaits our word to walk through the door. Invite Him in.
Escort Him to the seat of honor, and pull out His chair. Clear the table; clear the calendar. Call the kids and neighbors. Christmas is here. Christ is here. One request from you, and God will do again what He did then: scatter the night with everlasting light. He’ll be born in you.” -Max Lucado, “Because of Bethlehem”
Take this Christmas season and just receive from Him. He has a lot of gifts to give you this Christmas!