My premise in today’s devotional title is the cornerstone of a life lived in faith in our Lord Jesus because only what we do reflects what we believe.
We are all aware that talk is easy, but obedience to God’s truth offers results in us having to truly count the cost of going public about Jesus and His purposes.
No matter what today holds, we are guaranteed a cosmic conflict of evil versus good, light versus dark, and truth versus lies. We even feel the internal pull between our flesh versus the spirit and righteous versus unrighteousness. We have the full spectrum of emotions as we follow Jesus. And every present moment and the choices we make have an eternal ripple effect—no matter what surrounds the specific circumstances.
Living for Eternal Impact: The Decision of Faith
In John 8, Jesus announced who He is through powerful “I am” statements. In speaking who He is, He leaves no wiggle room for those who say Jesus was just a good man, prophet, or great teacher.
He declared He was, is, and will be for all eternity the truth that sets people free. Apart from Him, we have no hope and are totally separated from God.
There is a coming moment when all people will have to make a decision about Jesus because of the truth of John 14:6.
“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” -John 14:6
You and I have made this declaration to follow Jesus in our own lives, but there is a high chance that the people we encounter today haven’t. As C.S. Lewis said, they have yet to decide if Jesus is a liar, lunatic, or Lord of all.
Creating Eternal Impact Through Bold Faith
And without believing Jesus as the great I Am, they will not respond to life’s circumstances with peaceful trust in Him. Worst of all, they are still headed on a trajectory for complete and total separation from God for all of eternity.
It’s here that I remind you that only what we do reflects what we believe. If you believe that Jesus truly is the Savior of the world, will you seize the day by telling others what Jesus has done for you and how He offers to do the same in their life?
Be bold. We must go public with Jesus.
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