Woman holding a microphone and speaking to an audience, holding papers in her other hand. She is wearing a light blue shirt and standing in front of a red and brown background.

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How to Write and Share a Testimony That Changes Lives

Stories communicate across many cultures throughout the world. That is why sharing your testimony is one of the most powerful ways to witness to others about the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Your story makes God’s transformative power personal.

However, it’s essential to approach this task with sensitivity and wisdom, especially when speaking to those who do not share your beliefs.

As you talk to someone, listen for relatable items to serve as natural bridges into your story or connections you can bring up later. You’ll have to know your testimony well but be flexible enough to edit it for your audience. Have an interesting, attention-grabbing introduction and a solid conclusion. Relay details throughout the story to create interest.

Sharing Your Testimony

Start with what your life was like before Christ. Who did you think God was? How did you think you would get to Heaven? What sin or struggle was prevalent in your life?

Then move into how you came to know Christ as your Savior. This is where you share who Jesus is and what He did for you.

Lastly, include what your life has been like since you’ve trusted Christ.

As you tell your story, remember to communicate the gospel message. Clearly explain the main points of the gospel, including that everyone is a sinner, that Christ died for sins and rose from the dead, and that those who trust in Him will have forgiveness and hope for eternity through Him.

Include Scripture to support the message. Romans 6:23 is a good verse to use in evangelism.

When sharing your testimony, it is important to remember the ABCs. Keep it audible, brief, and Christ-centered. Practice often so that telling the main points of your story is natural for you.

When an opportunity to share arises, ask God for the wisdom and the words to communicate well. You have the power of the Holy Spirit working through you to accomplish God’s will (John 14:26).

What to Avoid When Sharing Your Testimony

One of the most common pitfalls when sharing your faith is using “Christianese”—the jargon and insider language familiar to those within the church but often confusing or alienating to those outside of it.

When you share your testimony, speak plainly and clearly. Instead of saying, “I was born again,” you might say, “God gave me a new life.” Replace the word “sanctification” with “I’m learning how to live with Jesus by my side every day.”

Avoid criticizing or speaking negatively about individuals or groups, whether they are other religions, denominations, or nonbelievers. Focus on your own sin rather than the shortcomings of others.

While it’s important to share the joy and blessings that come with being a follower of Christ, it’s equally important to be honest about the challenges. Be authentic about your struggles.

As you tell others what Jesus has done in your life, don’t worry about doing it perfectly. Remember, believers are responsible for sharing the gospel, not saving someone—that’s the Holy Spirit’s job. If you are faithful to share your story and God’s story, then the Lord might allow you to see someone’s life change forever.

Click here to see an example of someone’s testimony.

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