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How Sharing Your Faith Impacts Lives for Eternity

If you’ve followed Christ for any amount of time, you’ve most likely heard pastors teach on the Great Commission. Perhaps you’ve even read books and devotionals on the subject, most of which highlight that Jesus’ commission is a clear command, not merely a suggestion.

Each day, we receive commands—from bosses, family, and others—and I’ve come to realize there’s something distinctly different about this mandate from Christ.

Most commands are given without a determined outcome, but this isn’t the case with Jesus. He gives us not only a command but also reveals to us the outcome of obeying His command by imparting a promise and a vision.

The Promised Outcome of Sharing the Gospel

Prior to His crucifixion and resurrection, Christ made this promise:

“‘And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.'” –Matthew 24:14

The end of this world—and the end of all injustice, evil, pain, suffering, and brokenness—is promised after all peoples have heard the gospel.

When all have heard, there will be a glorious new beginning for us all and for the world. It’s our joy to be able to participate in bringing this promise to life.

In addition to obeying Jesus’ command, we are motivated to share the gospel because of the promise for a new Heaven and new Earth that is under the rule of a righteous King (Revelation 21:1).

Being a part of the Great Commission means being a part of bringing forth a new and eternal Kingdom.

The Vision of the Church

God also gives us a vision of the Church we’re helping to build:

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.” –Revelation 7:9, emphasis added

The outcome of sharing our faith is revealed in this Scripture—people from all corners of the globe will worship the one true God in Heaven.

This Church that we are a part of will stand as a testament to God’s glory throughout all the Earth. It is the tangible presence of God’s love for the entire world and every single person in it.

We can see that at least one person from every people group will be part of the Church depicted in Revelation 7,** but they can’t stand in His presence without knowing and receiving Jesus’ sacrifice on their behalf.**

We are Trusted to Share the Gospel

We are entrusted with an active role in the fulfillment of this promise and vision.

More than one-third of our world—3 billion men, women, and children—does not have access to the gospel! Due to treacherous terrain, government restrictions, deep-seated tradition, or spiritual blindness, they have no hope for a relationship with the living God, and some live in your own neighborhood.

The harvest is ready, but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37). There’s a need for people willing to minister to all people—at home and abroad—and the lyrics of hymn by Frances R. Havergal echo in my mind:

Who is on the Lord’s side? Who will serve the King? Who will be His helpers, Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world’s side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord’s side? Who for Him will go? By thy call of mercy, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord’s side Savior, we are Thine!

If you are a follower of Jesus, you are on the Lord’s side! Will you be His helper, working to help accomplish the promise and vision of Scripture?

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