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2024 Midyear Report​

God of Miracles

2024 Midyear Report

God of Miracles​

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believers: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” -Romans 1:16

The gospel is God’s power that brings salvation. The Greek word for “power” in this verse is translated elsewhere in the New Testament as “miracles.” Many think of miracles as the Red Sea parting in two, fire descending on Mount Carmel, or Lazarus rising from the grave. 

But when someone’s eyes open to the truth of the gospel and their heart chooses to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that is also a miracle—the greatest of all miracles.

Today, God is performing miracles in the hardest to reach places on Earth. People who live in remote villages with not a single Christian in their community may go decades—or their whole lives—without ever hearing the gospel. Yet God finds a way to break down barriers and send out His disciples to take the good news to those who have never heard.

We are praising God for His miracle-working power so far in 2024 and are expectantly eager to see what He will do in the last few months of the year. The story below is just one of thousands of examples of the light of the gospel penetrating spiritual darkness.

Vina Trusts in the God of Miracles

Vina owns a food stall near a popular tourist spot in Southeast Asia, hoping to make enough money to provide for her family. One day, she struck up a conversation with some visitors to her food stall. As they talked, the visitors began telling stories about a man named Jesus who performed all sorts of miracles. Vina had never heard of this man before and was enthralled by the stories. The visitors soon needed to leave, but one of them prayed for Vina and her family before departing.

Several days later, the same people visited Vina’s food stall again. She recounted the stories they had told her, and though she couldn’t remember the name of the man who performed the miracles, the stories had left an indelible mark on her. The visitors told her the man’s name is Jesus, and they shared the gospel with her.

Vina Trusts in the God of Miracles

Vina owns a food stall near a popular tourist spot in Southeast Asia, hoping to make enough money to provide for her family. One day, she struck up a conversation with some visitors to her food stall. As they talked, the visitors began telling stories about a man named Jesus who performed all sorts of miracles. Vina had never heard of this man before and was enthralled by the stories. The visitors soon needed to leave, but one of them prayed for Vina and her family before departing.

Several days later, the same people visited Vina’s food stall again. She recounted the stories they had told her, and though she couldn’t remember the name of the man who performed the miracles, the stories had left an indelible mark on her. The visitors told her the man’s name is Jesus, and they shared the gospel with her.

God's Faithfulness in 2024

Join us in celebrating what the Lord has accomplished in the first six months of the year through East-West.
Bible Icon | East-West Ministries

Gospel Shares

Faith Icon | East-West Ministries

Professions of Faith

Disciples Icon | East-West Ministries

Disciples Made

East West Leaders Icon

Leaders Trained

Churches Icon | East-West Ministries

Churches Planted

East West New Workers Icon

Workers Sent

UPGs Icon | East-West Ministries

Unreached People Groups Engaged

Note: Statistics are compiled from field reports from January 1-June 30, 2024.

Your Impact

With just a few dollars, a gift toward Great Commission work can make an eternal impact on people like Vina. Here are the average costs to do ministry at East-West:

$0.06 to share the gospel with one person
$8 to train one leader
$22 to plant one church

You can help East-West continue reaching the unreached in 2024 by making a gift today. Your gift will help multiply disciples and churches among those who have never heard the name of Jesus.

2024 Midyear Report - East-West Ministries
2024 Midyear Report - East-West Ministries