Person sitting outdoors on a sandy surface, reading a book with hands clasped together, wearing a striped shirt.

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Why Your Faith Shouldn’t Depend on Your Feelings

Do you know what God’s purpose is for your life? If your answer is, “I’m not sure,” you’re not alone. Ricky Dickson, the former CEO and President of Blue Bell Creameries, gives the inside scoop on his story of discovering God’s will for his life. Ricky explains how his faith helped him thrive in his leadership journey.

You know, you try to do the best you can in living it out and in everything you do. People are watching – they are watching the moves and what you say and what you do, where you go, what you brag about, jokes you tell. That defines who you really are.

How to Find Your Purpose and Passion

In a pivotal moment, Dickson faced an unexpected setback in Oklahoma. After moving for what he thought was a promotion, he instead received criticism about his performance. In his hotel room later, he had a profound realization: “You’re not here for your promotion. You’re here for My purpose.”

I truly believe God has a purpose and a season sometimes for the purpose. “God, not only don’t let me miss Your purpose but put the passion in me to do whatever that job is. If you want me to be in ice cream, then put that passion in.” Through all of this, I want to reflect Christ in everything that I do.

We went through some hard times as a company, and people go through hard times individually. The mountaintops are beautiful, but they’re usually short-lived. They’re pinpointed. It’s the journey going up and down the mountains. You hit the valley, and it’s painful. You just get back up and start climbing again.

Patience, Purpose, and Passion

Let me add one more P to purpose and passion, and that’s patience. God’s saying, “I am molding you not only for My benefit but also for yours so that you are ready for My purpose.” Sometimes it takes years to get ready for the purpose in which He has. As Mark Batterson says, “We start dying the day we stop dreaming. And ironically, we start living the day we discover a dream worth dying for.”Watch the full interview below.


On the Even You podcast, we want to empower ordinary people to say, “Yes!” to extraordinary purpose. Hear how everyday believers are using their gifts to have an eternal impact on people’s lives around the world. Learn more, share, and listen to the podcast now!

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