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The Cost of Following Jesus: Stories of Sacrifice

“… but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.” -John 14:31a

This verse was shared the night before Christ’s crucifixion. Prior to this statement, Jesus prayed to the Father and asked for another way to redeem our rebellious world—a world greatly loved by the Father.

How Jesus Loved the Father Through Sacrifice

As we know, the cross was the only way to forgive mankind and restore the world. Jesus knew that His perfect, God-glorifying life was the only way to reconcile man to God. **Because of His personal love for you, me, and the world, Jesus the Son said to God the Father, “yet not my will, but yours be done (Luke 22:42b).”

Jesus loved the Father by doing what the Father’s perfect will commanded.

Let’s reflect on this a bit. Jesus created the world. The world wanted to be like God and rebelled. Then God built a bridge back to Himself through Christ who agreed to take our punishment and has given all those who call on Him for salvation His righteousness.

By believing and trusting in what Jesus did for the world—and each of us—at the cross, this amazing reconciliation is available to us.

The Perfect Love Between Jesus and the Father

All of our imperfections and failures were placed on Christ’s pure, holy, and sinless body. He paid for our sins and removed them “as far as the east is from the west … (Psalm 103:12).”

The moment we said, “Yes,” to Jesus, the Father deemed us forgiven and gave us His beloved Son’s righteousness. This is the gospel that gives us life.

Oh, what a Savior, what a plan, what a cost, and what a love that my God would die for me!

Please go tell someone about Christ’s love for the world.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. … For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” -Romans 5:8,10


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