Person standing beside a motorcycle on a narrow, flooded path surrounded by lush greenery.

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How God Fulfills Our Deepest Desires in His Time

One morning, an East-West national partner located in the Middle East woke up to an email from Bashira, a Muslim woman.

She was distressed and desperate for help from someone who followed Jesus. A friend referred her to the national partner, and they set up a time to meet.

Upon meeting, Bashira began explaining a vivid dream. In the dream, she was in the middle of a vast ocean before daybreak. As the blazing sun expanded across the horizon, Bashira knew it was a sign guiding her to be baptized in the waters.

God Answers Dreams and Changes Lives

She woke up to a sweeping peace and refreshment, curious about the Christian practice of baptism.

The national partner immediately pointed her to Scriptures describing baptism. He shared that Jesus is the righteous Son of God and that baptism was an outward profession of an inward faith in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

That day they discussed the gospel for a long time, and Bashira began regularly attending church meetings.

After some time, she voiced a desire to follow Jesus and be baptized—making her dream come true. Bashira took the plunge, publicly identifying with Jesus.

Today she soaks in the teachings of Jesus at church and finds consolation and hope in Him alone.

*Names have been changed for security purposes.

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