For much of his life, Pradeep* lived in darkness. He did not know of God’s love and grace—walking a path of crime, destruction and despair. He was a drug addict and alcoholic who was full of rage and anger toward his family and his people. With no faith and no direction, Pradeep joined a group of armed revolutionaries and continued to live a life of crime.

But after an arrest and a period of imprisonment, he began to gain a new perspective on life. Once he was released from prison, Pradeep met a true follower of Jesus who taught him of God’s love and forgiveness … and he knew then that his life’s mission would be to share this message of hope with others.

An East-West partner met Pradeep ten years ago—providing him with training and encouraging him in his ministry. Since then Pradeep has spent his life spreading the gospel and planting churches among the unreached in his country—creating a movement that will build God’s Kingdom for years to come.

Now, a decade later, Pradeep and his team praise the Lord for moving to plant over 7,000 churches throughout his region … and we praise the Lord for changing lives and providing us with faithful national leaders like Pradeep to take the light of the gospel into the world’s spiritually darkest places.

*Name changed for security reasons.

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